Estonian Research Council’s grant PRG1504, (2022-2026) 

Meanings of endangered species in culture: ecology, semiotic modelling, and reception

The acceleration of species disappearance is a major ecological threat today. The project analyses cultural and ecological aspects of species extinction and applies semiotic modelling to increase the visibility of endangered species. The project is grounded in ecosemiotic theory. Species loss is interpreted in the cultural context of dystopia and apocalyptic imagery. The project includes animals’ own perspectives through Umwelt analysis and ecological study. It is argued that meaningful engagements between humans and rare animals have a high potential for raising awareness on the endangerment and taking care of the species. By involving research-creation initiatives and reception studies the project will lead to novel strategies of representing endangered species. 

Work packages and their interrelations. Photo: Timo Maran

The project comprises three work packages:

1. Comparative literary study of extinction narratives.

2. Dynamics between ecology, animal agency and local knowledge.

3 Semiotic modelling of endangerment and creative applications.


Study on gardening practices in Tartu

Research creation and species extinction

Umwelt analysis as a research method

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