Publications and dissemination
Research publications in ETIS
Research publications of the projects can be found on Estonian Research Information System ETIS
Estonian Research Agency project PRG1504
European Commission’s Horisont project no 101084220
The Infinite Community of Inquiry
Marta Kucza’s project „The Infinite Community of Inquiry” is part of the online exhibition Field/WorksII: Generating Ecologies of Trust funded by the European Association of Social Anthropologists, and curated by Jen Clarke and Maxime Le Calvé. As mentions the curators’ statement, the exhibition builds on Didier Debaise’s and Isabelle Stengers’ critique of the suspicion-based epistemology prevalent in modern sciences. In an era „after progress” in which the „one world” ontology has lost its legitimizing grip, the exhibition explores how to regenerate trust by creating spaces for healing and coexistence that honour multiple worlds and modes of existence.
Through experimental film and sound workshops with the residents of Maarja küla, a supported living facility for adults with learning disabilities located in south Estonia, Marta has been exploring the potential of neurodivergent modes of enquiry for the study of more-than-human ecosystems. Their experimentations include Foley – recording sound effects for existing moving images – and other sensory practices that allow for engaging with animals’ Umwelten.
The exhibition shows their most recent video work on two species threatened with extinction in Estonia: the black stork (Ciconia nigra) and the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera).
Marta on Lõuna-Eestis asuva õppimispuudega täiskasvanute kodu Maarja küla elanikega korraldatud eksperimentaalseid filmi- ja helitöökodaasid ja uurinud nende kaudu neurodivergentsuse potentsiaali paljuliigiliste ökosüsteemide uurimisel. Eksperimendid hõlmavad Foley’t – heliefektide salvestamist olemasolevatele liikuvatele piltidele – ja muid sensoorseid praktikaid, mis võimaldavad loomade omailmadega suhestuda.
Näitusel näidatakse videoid kahe Eestis väljasuremisohus oleva liigi: must-toonekure (Ciconia nigra) ja ebapärlikarbi (Margaritifera margaritifera) kohta.
Exhibition "Unknown"
University of Tartu Natural History Museum, April 5 – September 9, 2024
Kuraator: Sara Bédard-Goulet
Artists: Damien Beyrouthy, France Cadet, Hayden Fowler, Flo Kasearu & Elīna Vītola, Uku Sepsivart
Lessons from European mink reintroduction
As the result of the analysis, Reintroduction of the European mink - analysis of the experience of local community and proposals for reintroduction to Saaremaa, the report Lessons from European mink reintroduction (in Estonian) was made. In the report, several recommendations are made regarding how to enhance the involvement of the local community in the reintroduction process. The report is intended also for readers who are interested in the (re)introduction of species in general.
Semiotic representations of degrowth movement
Research regarding sustainable models for future and semiotic representations of degrowth movement.